A strategy to give vulnerable people a roof over their head and end Rough Sleeping

At the weekend the government announced a landmark £2 billion Rough Sleeping Strategy, driving forward the Conservative manifesto commitment to end rough sleeping for good and giving vulnerable people in our society a roof over their head. 

  • Thanks to government support there has been a 43 per cent drop in rough sleeping since 2019. But whilst rough sleeping is at an eight year low we must do more to drive out rough sleeping for good.
  • That is why the Rough Sleeping Strategy, backed by £2 billion, will deliver 14,000 beds and 3,000 support staff this year alone – alongside an extra 2,400 long-term support homes for those with the most complex needs with a focus on alcohol treatment services to break the addiction cycle of rough sleeping. 
  • This strategy will give us the tools to identify people at risk of rough sleeping earlier and provide the help they need – whilst supporting vulnerable people in our society by providing a roof over their heads.


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