Emergency aid to Afghanistan

The UK government today promised £97 million of emergency UK aid to the Afghan people, providing life-saving food and emergency health support whilst also supporting stability in the region.

  • Britain promised to double UK aid to Afghanistan this year to reduce the impacts of the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding and protect those most in need.
  • That is why we pledged £97 million of emergency aid to Afghanistan today, providing essential food, shelter, health supplies, and essential child protection services to those who are most in need. The UK is also giving humanitarian agencies a boost by changing the law this week to make it easier for them to deliver aid in Afghanistan.
  • By doubling UK aid to Afghanistan this year, we are saving lives, protecting women and girls and supporting stability in the region.
  • Every effort must be made to ensure that this aid goes to help the vulnerable and the starving, not into arms for the Taleban or any other group which might use the resource we are supplying to carry out acts of terror. the aim will be to ensure that we give aid in the form of food, medicines and other kinds of support which cannot be perverted to terrorist use. But we cannot sit by while a nation is starving. 


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