Quote of the day 2nd May 2015

A very prescient quote from Dr Adrian Rogers made back in 1931.
Britain absolutely does need a welfare system which provides a safety net for those who, for whatever reason, are temporarily or permanently unable to work or look after themselves. That is what the creators of the welfare state thought they were setting up.
What we  absolutely cannot afford is to extend that safety net until life on welfare becomes a lifestyle choice for those who could work or look after themselves.
The balance is a difficult one to strike and no government will ever get it completely right. But I think Doctor Rogers was right that if you go from helping those who cannot look after themselves, as any civilised country should do, to supporting those who could support themselves but don't want to, you will destroy your country.


Jim said…
A simple way of saying it is

"A government creates wealth, like a tick creates blood"
Jim said…
I really have problems understanding why the left have problems understanding it. If you tax the working people and give it to none working people, to a level where they are both as well off as each other, then the working people will stop working and become benefit receivers. But how do you pay the benefits when there are no workers left to tax?
Chris Whiteside said…
I also find it very frustrating that so many people have trouble understanding this.

But they do.

Otherwise Labour would either have more sensible policies or be on the 2% in the polls which they deserve rather than the 30-something percent which they are.
Jim said…
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