Comments policy

I came back from campaigning today and found about thirty identical "comments," one each on my last thirty or so  posts on this blog, which were advertising hacking services.

I have deleted them.

This blog exists primarily to provide information and debate about political topics, particularly on matter relating to Copeland and the North West, and, I make no secret of this, to promote Conservative policy. I also put up some posts which I think will interest and amuse the readers of the blog and have occasionally been known to put up unsolicited testimonials and bouquets for people doing a good job. However this blog does not exist to provide a platform for free advertising for people who have not had the courtesy to ask me beforehand.

Many blogs and websites take advertising and I don't rule out the possibility that at some point I might agree to post adverts from a reputable person or body which appear likely to be of genuine interest and benefit to readers, but anyone wanting to make such an arrangement should phone, email or write to me beforehand.

And for the benefit of the person who posted these adverts on my site, here is an Al Yankovic song which perfectly sums up my reaction to your posts.


Jim said…
I used to get a lot of that when i still had the forum running, annoying isnt it. Though if it was, which by the wording of your post it seems, someone whom you know, or at least know of, its possible they have been hacked and dont know they sent them?

Worth asking to be sure.
Chris Whiteside said…
No, I don't think the posts came from anyone I know, at least not deliberately, though it is not impossible that someone could have had their PC infected by a virus.

I added the Al Yankovic clip to make a point and just in case of the unlikely event that the originator of the advert came to see if the posts were still up.

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