Quote of the day 28th January 2022
"Brexit is, in fact, done. There is no meaningful prospect of ‘Rejoin’ becoming the party platform of Labour or the Liberal Democrats in the short to medium term, and more importantly there is no meaningful prospect of a British application to rejoin not being met by a veto by someone somewhere in the EU27."
(Stephen Bush, writing in the New Statesman "morning call" email this week)
If you are pointing out that they're not, you are right. Jim King regularly used to post here that Brexit is a process not just an event, and in that sense it certainly is not complete - and might well not be complete in my lifetime.
However, in the context of his New Statesman email, Stephen Bush was writing of Brexit in the other sense, as an event - Britain leaving the European Union.
He was saying that this has happened and is most unlikely to be reversed in the immediately foreseeable future.
And he was right about that, too.
He only meant exactly what you yourself have written - "We've left, and we're not returning any time soon."