Defence intelligence update 11th May 2024 - Russian air force bomb their own civilians again

Every military has had a problem with so called "Friendly Fire" incidents. Britain has; the Germans have: the French have: the US have. A German prisoner of war said to my grandfather during WWII,

"When the RAF come over, we duck.

When the Luftwaffe come over, you duck.

When the US Air Force comes over, everybody ducks."

But the Americans, both then and now, are far more careful not to hit people\ on their own side or their allies, or civilians, than the Red Army was in World War II or the Russian forces are now. 

Yes, in addition to all the innocent Ukrainian women and children killed by Russian bombs and missiles since the start of Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine, the Russian armed forces have repeatedly bombed their own civilians, and on 4th May they did it again.



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