Quote of the day and MoD intelligence update

Putin has moved his defence minister Sergei Shoigu sideways to be secretary of the National Security Council, replacing him with Andrei Belousov, who is an economist with no previous military experience.

Belousov commented that his task was to achieve victory "with minimal human losses" which considering the way the  Russian side has been conducting their illegal invasion of Ukraine can only be described as a sick joke.

The Economist magazine responded acerbically "presumably just on the Russian side" and even that would be an improvement from the Russian perspective on the way the war was fought on Shoigu's watch.

Whether through incompetence, complete contempt for human life, or most probably both, Russian military leadership throughout the invasion of Ukraine has been characterised by wantonly throwing away Russian lives as much as callously taking the lives of Ukrainians. Their air force bomb their own civilians as well as innocent Ukrainian women and children while their army keep shooting one another. 


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