Jeremy Hunt sets out plans to grow the economy so we can afford to cut taxes

Today the Chancellor outlined the plans that he and Rishi Sunak have to grow the economy. Conservatives will stick to the plan for growth, and put in the hard work to cut taxes for hardworking British people, so that higher growth can deliver a brighter future for you and your family.

Today, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered a speech outlining the Conservative plan to cut taxes and grow the economy to put more money in the pockets of hardworking British people – building on the £900 tax cut to national insurance for the average worker and our plans to end the double tax on work when is economically responsible to do so. 

  • Labour snipe from the sidelines but cannot name a single tax they would cut. Sir Keir Starmer stands for the same old Labour Party - higher unfunded spending, higher borrowing and higher taxes. They would take us back to square one.  
  • Labour have admitted their unfunded energy promise will cost billions of pounds more than they originally claimed. Without a plan to pay for it, Labour will have no choice but to hike up taxes on hardworking British people. 
  • On the day of Sir Keir’s sixteenth relaunch this week, a shadow minister admitted one of Labour’s first ‘steps’ can only be achieved with around £20 billion of extra unfunded spending.
  • Only Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives will stick to the plan and take the long-term and difficult decisions with the economy which has seen inflation drop from 11.1 per cent to 3.2 per cent, the economy growing, and national insurance cut by £900 for the average worker. 


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