Quote of the day 24th May 2024 - Nick Ferrari on Labour's private school tax plans.

Above: Nick Ferrari on Labour's plans to put VAT on private school fees. He points out that if 10% of private school parents can't afford the extra cost, state schools will  need to find places for another 60,000 children.

Full disclosure: I went to schools which were state schools when I started there, but my secondary school was forced to go private while I was there because a Labour government scrapped the "Direct grant."

I sent my own children to the best state schools I could get them into.

But those who want to pay for their children's education twice, by send their children to a private school while paying the income tax and council tax which fund state schools, should be allowed to do so.

Labour often repeats the falsehood that the taxpayer is "subsidising" private schools, but the reality is the opposite. For every child Labour price out of private school, a state school is going to need another place in a classroom, another desk, more books and more money.

As Nick Ferrari asks, do state schools have those tens of thousands of extra desks and that extra money? Of course they don't.      


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