New ships for the Royal Navy

Backing up the Prime Minister's words with actions, the Defence Secretary announced today that up to six new state-of-the art warships will be built in the UK, as we stick to the plan to boost Britain’s defences.

  • We are facing an increasingly dangerous world, with Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and instability in the Middle East having far-reaching global consequences. 
  • That is why we are announcing that up to six new state-of-the art warships will be built in the UK, helping to strengthen Royal Marines special operations, and bringing the total number of UK-built ships and submarines in the pipeline to 28. 
  • We are sticking to the plan to boost the UK’s defence through our commitment to spend 2.5 per cent of GDP on defence by the end of the decade and deliver a more secure future for all, both for people and families today and for generations to come.


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