Energy bills fall

This morning the energy regulator confirmed that energy bills will fall again by £122 as the Conservatives announce our clear plan to keep the cost of energy down for families by protecting the energy price cap and securing Britain’s energy. Labour would risk our energy independence and clobber families with higher costs to reach net zero.  

  • The war in Ukraine has sent energy prices soaring across Europe. The Conservative government stepped in to pay half the average family energy bill last winter, but families are still paying too much. 
  • That is why the Conservatives will  keeping the Energy Price Cap and are setting out a bold new plan to drive bills down and put energy customers in the driver’s seat, helping families to switch suppliers for a better deal.
  • In stark contrast, Keir Starmer is shamelessly visiting Scotland today – the very place where Labour would decimate 90,000 jobs in Scotland by turning off the North Sea oil and gas industry after taxing it to extinction, taking us back to square one and risking our energy independence. Labour are not being honest about the cost of their net zero promises, they would take families back to square one.


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