A Sunday reflection
A forceful reminder to me today of who easy it is for me to miss things we are not focussed on.
This morning on the way back into the church where I have worshipped for more than a dozen years (St James' in Whitehaven) as part of a slow moving line, I took a proper look at the imposing entrance hall for what must have been the first time. The service had been interrupted because a member of the congregation was unwell and we had briefly adjourned to the community centre over the road before filing back in.
I was completely shocked to see it because, if you look up even slightly while paying any attention to your surroundings on the way into the church it is absolutely impossible to miss the royal crest and motto, but I can't remember ever noticing it before.
This morning on the way back into the church where I have worshipped for more than a dozen years (St James' in Whitehaven) as part of a slow moving line, I took a proper look at the imposing entrance hall for what must have been the first time. The service had been interrupted because a member of the congregation was unwell and we had briefly adjourned to the community centre over the road before filing back in.
Above the inner door into the main body of the church, just above the level at which it would be impossible to ignore for someone who is looking straight ahead on the level, is a magnificent, brightly coloured, three dimensional representation of the Royal Coat of Arms.
I can only assume that on every one of literally hundreds of previous occasion when I have passed through that hall I have been completely focussed on getting into the church, putting my envelope into the collection plate, collecting hymn and service books, getting to my seat etc, and once a quarter or so if I am reading a lesson, checking that microphone and the reading are in place. So much so as to fail to notice somethings which is stunningly obvious.
It served as a forceful reminder to me of how much you can miss if you never take the time to look around you.