On the move

It's just as well for me that the Conservative administration in North Yorkshire is on the ball in maintaining and improving local roads as I have been making more than a little use of them.

1st April 2023 was not just April Fool's day and the first day of new councils in both North Yorkshire and Cumbria - it also saw my job relocated to Yorkshire. In consequence, as well as making every effort to carry out my final responsibilities as a member of the former Cumbria County Council up to and including 31st March, my wife and I have been extremely busy relocating, and establishing ourselves in Selby.

We do not intend to abandon our many friends in Cumbria and the North West. We will maintain links with Cumberland and the rest of North West Region, but we hope to make many new friends in Yorkshire.

My late mother, who remained a proud Lancashire lass even after living the last thirty years of her life in St Albans, would undoubtedly raise a wry smile at this. However, despite the historic rivalry between the two counties, I am sure she would wish us well in the move - not least because her own mother was born and raised in Yorkshire. 

If my family are anything to go by, people from Yorkshire and Lancashire often tease one another - but heaven help any southerner who speaks ill of either county in the presence of a resident of the the other!


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