Vaccination update

This week, Britain reached the extraordinary milestone of 25 million people across the UK having received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, an incredible milestone that moves us one step closer to safely seeing our friends and family again.

  • Yesterday marked 100 days since Margaret Keenan got the first authorised Covid-19 jab vaccine in the whole world - and the programme has gone from strength to strength since then. 
  • We have now given vaccines to 25 million people, meaning almost half the adult population in the UK will soon start developing strong protection from serious illness. Our thanks go out to the brilliant NHS, scientists, armed forces, volunteers and all those who have played a role in this national mission. 
  • This incredible milestone moves us one step closer to seeing our friends and family again – but we must keep up the momentum by sticking to the rules and getting the jab when you get the call.  
Here is the latest figure:

We are now reaching the stage where a significant proportion of the vaccination effort has to go to giving second jabs to those who had the first one twelve weeks ago, but the number of new first jabs is still several hundred thousand per day.

When I had my first jab on Tuesday I was one of over half a million who had a vaccination that day, of whom over four hundred thousand were getting their first dose and nearly a hundred thousand their second dose. Here are the trends for vaccinations in the last few weeks:


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