Ending deforestation

Today, at COP26, it was announced that more than 100 world leaders have backed a £14 billion agreement to end and reverse deforestation by 2030 – protecting and restoring the Earth’s forests.

  • Trees are our natural protection from climate change – absorbing around one third of global CO2 emissions – but the world is still losing forests at an alarming rate.
  • That is why The UK government has worked for and secured a major international agreement to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030, signed by more than 100 world leaders – including the most densely forested countries such as Brazil, Russia and Canada – and backed by £14 billion of public and private investment. 
  • As COP kicks off, countries are already delivering significant change to tackle climate change, and we can and must work together to build on this success over the coming days to further protect our planet. 


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