Full details of the agenda and papers - and the link to watch the broadcast of the meeting which you can do using Teams either via that application or the web - are available at the County Council website here.
The agenda was as follows:
1. Roll Call of Members
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Exclusion of Press and Public
(To consider whether there are any items on the agenda in respect of which the press and public should be excluded during consideration of the item. There were none.)
4. Public Participation
(To receive petitions or questions from the public - there were none of those either.)
5. Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13 February 2020
6. Announcements and Communications
7. Minutes of cabinet meetings on 11 June 2020 and 23 July
8. Capital Programme 2020-2025
9. Treasury Management – Annual Report 2019/20 from the Deputy Leader
10. Annual Report of the Fire Local Pension Board
11. Constitution Review Group
12. To consider a report from the Chair of Scrutiny Management Board
13. Questions To consider questions from Councillors
14. Minutes of Committees To receive reports from Committees of the Council:
14a Cumbria Pensions Committee
14b Audit and Assurance Committee
15. To consider a report from the Leader of the Council on a decision taken under the urgency procedure
16. Notice of Motions
17. Speeches
I asked a question about the A595, which you can see online beginning two hours 31 minutes and 33 seconds into the meeting. Another issue of particular current concern: my colleague Paul Turner asked a question about the problems with school transport a few minutes later. I plan to post a little more about those two issues in the next few days.