How to blow a referendum

I can't think of a more effective way for Leave.EU and the other main pro-Leave campaigns to try to drive pragmatists such as myself into the arms of the Remain side than to put out things like this:

Except possibly to build your campaign round a figure which almost every informed person agrees is seriously misleading ...


Jim said…
Certainly poor wording, but i can sort of see the point.

Basically, leaving (at least under the only co-herent exit plan there is) is shown to be pretty much economically neutral.

We do this by keeping the Single Market as it is, using the EFTA/EEA route as a kind of "departure lounge" for now until we get the Article 50 stuff done and dusted, then we move on from there, once we are "out on paper" and free of the 2 year article 50 clause.

Its all a progression really, it took 40 plus years to get to where we are, and that is the sensible way to leave.

we cant do too much to soon, other wise we do risk an economical meltdown, but, if we manage it carefully, and have a plan, which has in built into it a number of "fall back" options, then we can safely leave the EU. We can rejoin the wider world.

Its absolutely vital to reassure that the economy matters, and we need to be very careful with it. Which is exactly why we needed to have A Plan that does exactly that

Chris Whiteside said…
It's not you and your friends in the Leave Alliance who are blowing it, Jim, it's the Official leave campaign and the Leaev.EU guys.
Jim said…
yes I know that,

Its just, that i hope those who do vote Remain do so because they want to remain, rather than take such an important decision simply to snub Vote leave and Leave.EU

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